APhyMeHII: Advancing Physiological Methods in Human-Information Interaction

Workshop at Ubicomp/ISWC 2024
October 5, 2024
Melbourne, Australia


Nattapat Boonprakong is a PhD candidate at the School of Computing and Information Systems, the University of Melbourne, Australia. His research is specifically focused on the quantification and mitigation of cognitive biases in the context of information consumption and misinformation. He employed a range of physiological sensors (for example, fNIRS and EDA) to measure the occurrences of confirmation bias. [Website, X/Twitter]

Kaixin Ji is a PhD candidate at the School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University, Australia, and ADM+S. Her research is about quantifying and measuring cognitive bias with multi-modal physiological sensing, including EEG, EDA, PPG, and eye-tracking. She specifically focuses on the occurrences of cognitive bias as a sequence of decisions made during interactive information-seeking processes. [Website]

Ziyi Ye is a PhD candidate at Tsinghua University, China. His research interest is using brain signals to improve search evaluation and performance. Recently, he has focused on investigating the potential relationship between LLM and the brain model.

Benjamin Tag is a Lecturer in the Embodied Visualisation Group at Monash University, Australia. He is researching ways to quantify and understand human emotions and cognition by combining methods from cognitive psychology and ubiquitous computing. He is interested in deploying commodity devices (e.g., smartphones) in everyday settings to enable comprehensive long-term mental state assessments.

Damiano Spina is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University, Australia, and an Associate Investigator at ADM+S. His research focuses on interactive information retrieval -- including conversational agents -- and evaluation of information access systems in terms of effectiveness and fairness. He has co-organized workshops in international conferences (including WWW, SIGIR, ICWSM, and CHIIR) and shared tasks for evaluation campaigns at CLEF and IberLEF.

Tuukka Ruotsalo is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and LUT University, Finland. His research is in machine learning for physiological and cognitive computing, information retrieval, and human-computer interaction.

Flora Salim is a Professor of AI and Ubiquitous Computing and a Cisco Chair at the School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), UNSW, Australia, and a Chief Investigator at ADM+S. Her research is on machine learning for multimodal sensor data and on trustworthy AI.

Program Committee

Francesco Chiossi (LMU Munich)

Monica Perusquía-Hernández (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)

Abdallah El Ali (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)

Anam Ahmad Khan (Lancaster University)

Yashar Moshfeghi (University of Strathclyde)

Jacek Gwizdka (University of Texas at Austin)

Shuqi Zhu (Tsinghua University)

Shaorun Zhang (Tsinghua University)

Zhiyu He (Tsinghua University)

Congchi Yin (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)

Ruihua Song (Renmin University of China)

Nuo Chen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Sachin Pathiyan Cherumanal (RMIT University)

Danula Hettiachchi (RMIT University)